Connect Therapy™ & Thoracic Ring Approach to
Assessment & Treatment
ConnectTherapy™ is all about helping therapists and patients understand how different regions and systems of the body are connected.
Research across multiple fields highlights the many influences on how patients move, their strategies for movement, and how this relates to the symptoms that they are experiencing. Clinicians need ways to organize information from tests across multiple regions, and determine the most relevant influences to address in treatment. It is a thorough and comprehensive clinical reasoning process that considers the whole person and facilitates a more efficient pathway to design treatment programs.
Created by Dr. Linda-Joy Lee, ConnectTherapy™ is the evolution of total body assessment and treatment frameworks to understand and treat the whole person. It teaches clinicians how to integrate science and clinical expertise in a functional, outcome-based framework. This approach is patient-centred and recognizes that optimal function requires the integrated function of multiple systems in the body. It utilizes a new clinical reasoning algorithm to diagnose Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Co-Drivers in a comprehensive and logical process, as well as the relationships between Drivers. Understanding these connections is necessary to most efficiently plan and implement treatment. It incorporates not only internal, but also external influences, providing physiotherapists with a complete picture of how all factors intersect and influence the patient and their experience.
Back Works is pleased to have therapists who have completed the ConnectTherapy™ Series as well as courses in The Thoracic Ring Approach. One of our own, Rabi Guha, is a Lead Assistant Instructor for Linda-Joy Lee International (LJLI) teaching the Thoracic Ring Approach and Connect Therapy™ (LJ Lee) in Canada, the United States and England.